The sciatic nerve originates in the low back, branching outward and down the legs into the feet. The
pain is usually felt from the low back down to either the calf or the foot. This pain can be in one or
both legs depending on the cause. Sciatic pain can vary in intensity and frequency, ranging from
dull-achy pain to sharp-electric shock pains. Sciatica can be caused by lumber spine subluxations,
herniated or bulging discs, pregnancy, child birth, or tight muscles. Another common cause of
sciatica is piriformis syndrome; this is when the piriformis muscle compresses the nerve causing
pain. Severe sciatica can result in loss of feeling to the affected limb. The severity of the sciatic pain
will determine the course and length of treatment.
Sciatica is often characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:
Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely in both legs)
Pain that is worse when sitting
Leg pain that is often described as burning, tingling, or searing (versus a dull ache)
Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg, foot, and/or toes
A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or walk
Pain that radiates down the leg and possibly into the foot and toes
Sciatic pain can vary from infrequent and irritating to constant and incapacitating. Symptoms
are usually based on the location of the pinched nerve.
While symptoms can be painful and potentially debilitating, it is rare that permanent sciatic nerve
damage (tissue damage) will result, and spinal cord involvement is possible but rare.
Depending on the type of sciatic pain, it can be treated with:
Chiropractic Manipulations can address any spinal subluxations, herniated and bulging discs.
Ultrasound Therapy promotes blood flow to the area, allowing the muscles to relax and encourages the tissue to heal.
Electrical Stimulation relaxes the muscles and nerves to relieve pain.
Massage Therapy is a great tool for sciatic pain, it can be used to relieve tight muscles that may be compressing the nerve, and enhancing the effects of
chiropractic manipulations.
Physical Medicine may be used after your pain is under control in order to strengthen the surrounding muscles, lessening your chances for another